Art for art's sake

Thu, 15 Dec 2022

Art for art's sakeArt - Is it really all in the eyes of the beholder ?

Art selection and taste can tell you a lot about a person. It can also be an integral element in interior design to set the overall tone of a room or a home. Art can give and art can taketh away. It can also be intimidating and confusing. So, for many folks that simple statement blank wall might well be more a sign of defeat than considered choice.

Don’t be fooled. Art does not need to be expensive to achieve the objective of adding character, depth and personality to a space. Simple pieces can achieve greatness. 

Art can pull a room together and it can tear it apart… our good friends at Evolve Styling (one of our key styling suppliers at Croll Real Estate) offer some guidelines to help you choose the correct art to maximise impact, make a subtle statement or a provoke conversation.

Follow this link to learn more from some expert stylists :

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