Tue, 22 Mar 2022

OLD DOG.... NEW DIGSMoving home is a super hectic process, but do you ever stop to think how it can affect your favourite family member… the fur kids? Cats and dogs can find moving house to be a stressful experience because they are familiar with their current everyday environment and look upon it as their ‘space’ or ‘territory’.  They know the surrounds, the other pets nearby, and neighbouring yards and streets.

When they move away from their familiar environment, dogs and cats feel as though they are separated from their ‘space’ or ‘territory’ and can become anxious. They need to reorient themselves, become familiar and settle in to their new surrounds.

Here are some useful tips to ensure the chaos of move day doesn’t leave them feeling anxious, and how to help them settle into their new environment.

For more information from RSPCA Pet Insurance : click here

For more information from Greencross Vets : click here

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